Eser, bir zamanlar kalabalık bir çarşı yeri olan Sille Deresi kıyısında çarşı cami olarak yapılmıştır. Çarşının boşalması ve yerine evlerin yapılmasıyla bir mahalle camisi haline gelmiştir. 19. Yüzyıla tarihlendirilen eser üç sahınlıdır. Ahşap sütunlu olan eserde sütunlar profilli yastıklara oturmaktadır. Mihrap, minber ve kürsüsünde zengin ahşap işçiliği bulunan eserde minare caminin doğusundadır.


The mosque was built as bazaar mosque near the Sille River, located in an area which was the most crowded bazaar of Sille. Then the bazaar was closed and houses were built in the area, so the mosque has become a district mosque. The mosque was built in the 19th century and has three naoses. Its columns are made of wood and located over iron pillows. Niche, pulpit and chair is made of wood with a spectacular art and the minaret is located in the east of the mosque.